Aerial photo and film...
For every creative professional, from commercial photographers to wedding videographers, documentary filmmakers, or real estate specialists, having a drone at your disposal is akin to unlocking a new dimension of visual possibilities. The ability to effortlessly capture stunning aerial shots adds a layer of dynamism and depth to your work that was previously challenging and costly to achieve.
New perspectives
Drones offer unique aerial perspectives, enriching the visual experience and providing fresh vantage points of the world.
Replace traditional equipment
Drones can replace land-based equipment such as jibs, dollies and cranes, offering versatile options for capturing shots.
Smart features
Drones are designed to be user-friendly with intelligent features such as obstacle avoidance, automated flight paths, and high-resolution cameras, making aerial capture an intuitive and enjoyable experience.
3-axis gimbals
Drones feature 3-axis gimbals that stabilize along the yaw, pitch, and roll, available in various sizes and shapes.
Manoeuvrability and affordability
Drones are small, easy to maneuver, and much more affordable than manned aircraft, making them a practical choice for various aerial photography and filming needs.